I was nominated for Muddy Stilettos 2021 best garden designer in Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire recently. It’s their #inlovewithlocal awards which is a very fine thing; their mission is to encourage independent businesses & for people to discover & use those businesses.I have no idea how or by who I was nominated but I was very flattered indeed!
I asked my clients & instagram followers if they would kindly vote for me. Such generous & kind people they are as they voted in sufficient numbers to get me into the finals – hooray! According to Muddy Stilettos there were over 500,000 nominations (not just for me of course:) so it’s a pretty big deal

Now I’d really like to win 🙂 seeing as everyone has taken the trouble I’d really like to make it past the finish line. Here is a link to vote (pretty please?!) https://bucksoxon.muddystilettos.co.uk/awards & here are a few other contenders from Burford & Witney where I live…

Isn’t it exciting! Voting ends very soon & you can win a cruise apparently so follow the link
Thanks a million & that’s all for now
A bientot (I’m back in France at the moment)