Visiting Chelsea 2021 – I was kindly invited to visit Chelsea this year by Rob Jones of The Garden Design Co ltd with whom I have worked for many years; his company has built many of the gardens featured here on my site. We were there be inspired & to discuss our new projects for the next 18 months. Due to covid the show was a late Summer/ Autumn show which made an interesting change.
It was a very early start. Rob had arranged for us to meet before 8am which meant a 4am start for me – yikes! We met one of our clients there to discuss ideas for their new garden & Rob’s son Alex & his girlfriend Holly kindly provided refreshments & interesting conversation during our visit
Below is one of the container gardens I thought beautiful. So serene & smart

I thought these woven pods fantastic & really loved their scale
I saw boulders everywhere. I am not sure if this is a trend or simply that I am using them in a couple of new schemes so they jumped out. Either way I enjoyed seeing them & feel pleased they will soon be featuring in some of my gardens. The stand out garden/display for me were these wonderful huge balanced stones by Adrian Gray. I plan to add 3 of these amazing sculptures to one of my schemes so felt very excited when I saw these in the flesh…
Aren’t they fabulous!?
It’s always great to discover new things & this flowering tree was new to me. It’s good to find things that flower & look good at this time of year so I shall certainly be using these Heptacodium Miconoides – particularly these multistemmed versions.
Onwards we visited the marquee & look at this contrast – such delicate glass test tubes & flasks that reminded my of my science lessons way back when I attended a convent school…

We had a really successful day. The sun shone, we felt inspired & so did our client. I left exhausted but glad I went. Back in my studio now plotting & planning the 18 schemes I have on my books – yikes again!
Until next time